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发布时间:2021-02-24 18:22:42

① 英文 机械 短文 求5篇 英文机械类短文

Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of physics and materials science for analysis,design,manufacturing,and maintenance of mechanical systems.It is the branch of engineering that involves the proction and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design,proction,and operation of machines and tools.[1] It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines.
The engineering field requires a vast understanding of core concepts including mechanics,kinematics,thermodynamics,materials science,and structural analysis.Mechanical engineers use these core principles along with tools like computer-aided engineering and proct lifecycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants,instrial equipment and machinery,heating and cooling systems,motorized vehicles,aircraft,watercraft,robotics,medical devices and more.

② 请问有关机械设计的英文资料在哪可以下载



③ 求一篇机械相关的英文文献.pdf,在线等~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

外文文献可以用你们图书馆的外文数据库检索, 如www.sciencedirect.com, www.springerlink.com
自己去找吧 学校里面可以回下载到的答!英文关键词可以利用www.iciba.com网站翻译~

④ 求《机械设计》英文版教材pdf


⑤ 《机械设计》英文教材 哪个比较好


⑥ 请问有关机械设计的英文资料在哪里可以下载


⑦ 想看看机械设计方面英文的书,有没有好点的,主要学学机械英语,最好是外国的机械设计教材,请推荐一本

可以选择这本《 Design of Machine Elements and Machines Collins》

Taking a failure prevention perspective, this book provides engineers with a balance between analysis and design. The new edition presents a more thorough treatment of stress analysis and fatigue. It integrates the use of computer tools to provide a more current view of the field. Photos or images are included next to descriptions of the types and uses of common materials. The book has been updated with the most comprehensive coverage of possible failure modes and how to design with each in mind. Engineers will also benefit from the consistent approach to problem solving that will help them apply the material on the job.

⑧ 求机械类外文期刊文献翻译,英文要原文PDF格式的,毕业设计用的! 谢谢各位大神了!


⑨ 急求机械类外文期刊文献翻译,英文要原文PDF格式的,毕业设计用,请学长学姐们帮忙啊,非常感谢。

嗯 需要吗 我这里拿



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