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❸ 機械設計外文翻譯

Crane Work Needs More Technique
Crane work needs more technology. Construction of tower cranes are the main vertical transportation equipment and also a measure of construction companies and equipment strength of the important logo, in today's increasingly competitive construction market, to meet the construction needs of many construction companies have bought the tower crane. With the tower crane at the construction site of the widely used by the tower crane accident also caused more and more to people's lives and property brought about great losses. According to national statistics, the departments concerned, the tower crane accident rate reached 2.77 percent. Its security problem is still the urgency of the construction
Loose training, testing and oversight requirements for the people who work around construction cranes have fostered a false sense of security in our instry. The recent deadly tower-crane collapse at a congested New York
City building site should be a wake-up call for us to question and step up our current safety practices.
Training and testing is king when it comes to safety. But the construction instry is putting unqualified personnel in the seats of construction cranes, even with today's testing. In many places, no experience is necessary after passing a standardized test. One week of study will give some people enough knowledge to pass a certification examination, and then they can jump into the cab of a crane.
Imagine that a commercial airline pilot had the same training as a certified crane operator. How would you feel the next time you decided to fly? In California, it takes more hours of training to wield a pair of scissors in a hair salon than to operate potentially dangerous lifting machinery. How does this make sense?
Riggers and signal persons also need standard training and testing to ensure safety under the hook. Employers usually allow any craft to signal a crane on a jobsite, despite best practices that require only qualified people do so. How is it then that uncertified and untrained people are allowed to signal and rig under the hook of a licensed or certified operator?
Tower cranes are particularly risky as urban sites become more congested, and the risk of a catastrophic event is very high ring climbing operations. Yet most tower-crane climbing crews are trained in a non-traditional manner, via secondhand knowledge that has been passed down over time. The problem with this type of hand-me-down knowledge is that it changes over the years, leaving out small-but-important details along the way. This "osmosis" of knowledge leads crews to develop their own tricks for climbing cranes, often forsaking basic safety in an attempt to save time and energy.
In many cases, there are no safety devices or alarms to warn of a serious problem. Climbing crews are subjected to pressures that affect safety-critical decision-making. It is not uncommon for climbs to continue with damaged or leaking hydraulic systems, out-of-adjustment or jammed guide rollers, often working in the dark and for extended hours. This "MacGyver" method of climbing, where every jump becomes a new adventure, should not be the norm.
Climbing-frame designs vary among manufacturers, but the operational steps are similar in principle. The climbing process is relatively straightforward, with a mixture of physical work and technical procere. It is not complex; it is more about knowing the proper sequence of what needs to be done and then following the steps, one by one, making sure each step has been successfully completed before moving onto the next. It is essential that everyone know exactly what is going on and what the dangers are at every stage.
That's why the instry needs standardized training, testing and oversight for this work, including a practical assessment of competence. Technicians should have model-specific training directly from the manufacturer, along with a level of practical experience. Inspectors, too, should be required to have specific technical training. They should be independent from all aspects of installation and maintenance to allow for objective decisions. Key personnel on erection crews should have standard training and testing.
When these needs are satisfied, crane operations should be carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturers' instructions, engineering principals and governmental laws. But instry stakeholders and lawmakers need to step up their lax standards to protect the public. New York City residents, who have seen their homes turned into st and debris, would be shocked at the way the instry deals with these issues.



鬆散的培訓,測試和監督的要求, 周圍的建築起重機給這些工作的人樹立了一種虛假的安全感,在我們的行業。最近塔式起重機倒塌在一個繁忙的紐約市建築地盤應敲響警鍾,提醒我們問題的存在,並加強我們目前安全的做法。
裝配工人和發信號的人也需要標準的培訓和測試,以確保安全下鉤。僱主通常允許任何工人發信號指揮起重機上工地 ,盡管最佳做法是需要合格的人這樣做。怎麼能允許那麼無證和未受過訓練的人來代替有工作證或經核證的操作者呢?

❹ 求機械設計的外文翻譯原文要原版的,最好是PDF格式,中文是WORD,請有的大俠幫忙傳份,高分

❶ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2
❷Elsevier SDOL資料庫 IEEE/IEE(IEL)
❸EBSCOhost RSC英國皇家化學學會
❹ACM美國計算機學會 ASCE美國土木工程師學會
❺Springer電子期刊 WorldSciNet電子期刊全文庫
❻Nature周刊 NetLibrary電子圖書
❽國道外文專題資料庫 CALIS西文期刊目次資料庫
❾推薦使用ISI web of knowledge Engineering Village2

❺ 想看看機械設計方面英文的書,有沒有好點的,主要學學機械英語,最好是外國的機械設計教材,請推薦一本

可以選擇這本《 Design of Machine Elements and Machines Collins》

Taking a failure prevention perspective, this book provides engineers with a balance between analysis and design. The new edition presents a more thorough treatment of stress analysis and fatigue. It integrates the use of computer tools to provide a more current view of the field. Photos or images are included next to descriptions of the types and uses of common materials. The book has been updated with the most comprehensive coverage of possible failure modes and how to design with each in mind. Engineers will also benefit from the consistent approach to problem solving that will help them apply the material on the job.

❻ 機械設計專業英語翻譯

Lower and Higher Pairs Connections between rigid bodies consist of lower and higher pairs of elements. The two elements of a lower pair have theoretical surface with one another,while the two elementsof a higher pair have theoretical point or line contact(if wo disregard deflections).
Kinematic Chain
A kinematic chain is an assembly of links and pairs(joints).Each link in a closed-loop kinematic chain is connected to two or more other links.A linkage failing to meet the closed-loop criterion is an open-loop kinematic chain.

這個問題中"查_紅玉 - 總監 九級"所作的關於運動鏈的英文翻譯(不用看這個問題的最佳答案,查紅玉的翻譯比最佳答案專業許多)。

❼ 誰有機械設計的外文翻譯原文要原版的,最好是PDF格式,中文是WORD,請有的大俠幫忙傳份,高分

你好,你有外文翻譯嗎,做畢業設計用的,有的話,謝謝幫忙啊,拜託了,急用啊。[email protected]

❽ 《機械設計》英文教材 哪個比較好


❾ 有沒有什麼類似高教的《機械設計》、《機械原理》這樣的英文教材求在美國的學長學姐推薦!

根據你的情況,我想到一本我看過的書,叫《機械工程導論》是美國人Jonathan Wickert寫的機械專業學生入門教材,在國內能買到西安交通大學出版社的影印版,很便宜。



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